• 02 Jan 2018
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The skin is the body’s largest organ. As skin ages, the supportive components of the skin are gradually destroyed. For example, elastic fibers in the dermis break down and are permanently lost. While we cannot reverse every possible cause of wrinkling, there are steps we can take to minimize the aging process: Avoid excessive sun exposure, including sun lamps and tanning beds. Ultraviolet exposure is greatest between 10am and 4pm. Use sunscreens in combination with other sun-protective measures. Quit Smoking. Smoking not only increases perioral wrinkles (wrinkling around the mouth) but also places you at a higher risk for skin cancer. Lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced healthy diet, daily exercise, and stress reduction. Daily skin care should consist of mild cleansing of the face daily, application of a moisturizer, and daily sunscreen use. Professional treatments for resurfacing or implantation of materials can also be used for wrinkle treatment. These include: Dermal fillers like Collagen, Laser Resurfacing ,Chemical Peel , Microdermabrasion, Topical antioxidants- Vitamins A, C, E, selenium, coenzyme Q10, and alpha-lipoic acid., Exfoliants-alpha hydroxy acids,Vitamin A derivatives: Retin A, etc. ,FotoFacial and IPL Treatment may be used for fine lines LATEST LASER FRAXEL : This new technology behind the laser source that creates microzones of tissue coagulation together with the constant water absorption of this wavelength stimulate and remodel the collagen fibres. The sub – resurfacing action reduces acne scars and wrinkles while improving the skin texture and glow at the same time. The action on the skin laxity is immediate and improved one and long lasting effects are already achieved during the first session. MAXIMUM 5 to 6 SITTINGS are required at the gap of one month. RESULTS ARE MARVELLOUS.

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