Skincare in the era of N95 Masks

  • 15 Dec 2020
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  • Skincare in the era of N95 Masks

Many HCWs, due to prolonged use of masks, are suffering from many skin concerns.

The most commonly affected areas are the nasal bridge and cheeks on the zygomatic bone. It is the point of contact with the mask due to the compression of the adjustable nose-clip portion of the mask, exposure to more pressure because of more prominent nasal bridge & zygomatic area, and relatively thin skin in these areas.

A healthy routine includes-

• Washing your face with a soap-free, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free cleanser.

• Moisturizers with ingredients include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants & collagen are the best, which will help lock in moisture.

• If there is broken skin due to the N95 mask, there is an increased chance of infection and scarring. Since dry skin can break easily, care must be taken to protect damaged skin from scarring by using topical antibiotics to protect from infection and promote healing.

• The use of cold compresses will help to minimize inflammatory reactions.

• #HCW should also employ nasal breathing as much as possible while masked to minimize exhalation contamination.

• Dry skin types require delicate care and should avoid washing with hot water, as this tends to strip necessary oils from the skin.

• Oily skin types also require careful cleaning and moisturizing. Washing with warmer water helps to open up pores and break up oily molecules more readily. Care must be taken to not strip too much oil from the skin, which can also have a negative impact. Once the cleansing is done, the use of toners helps close up pores. The occasional use of charcoal masks will also help restore balance and control excess oil production.


Having a good skincare strategy will minimize the negative impacts of wearing N95 masks. In order to do so, HCWs must first identify their skin type, understand sources of irritation, and adopt a good skincare regimen that reflects individual needs.

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