Best Skincare Treatments for Winter

  • 31 Jan 2019
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  • Best Skincare Treatments for Winter

As the temperature drops down drastically and daylight hours diminish, a dire need for skin and hair care treatments arises. Layering up with clothes and limited exposure to the sun makes it a perfect time to opt for certain skin care therapies and procedures which need extra post-treatment care in summer.

Here are some of the treatments that can reap better results if performed in the chilly season and prepare you for that perfect summer body you always dream of.

1. Medical Facials & Peels
In winters, the air is harsh which in turn causes the skin to lose hydration and become dry and cracked. If your home remedies aren't helping you to recover your dry, dehydrated skin you must visit us at Parisa. We have an array of internationally popular medical facial treatments which not only deeply hydrate your skin but also work against various other skin concerns. Some of these treatments are:

    Hydraderm Rejuve facial

If you wish to maintain a healthy glow on your skin this winter, do not forget to visit us for details of the above-mentioned treatments.

2. Laser treatments
Laser treatments are one of the safest procedures in the dermatology. At Parisa, we advise you to get these treatments done in winter, as it requires to keep your skin away from the sun after the procedure. Laser light technology can be used for multiple concerns including skin tightening, skin resurfacing, pigmentation, etc. Even for laser hair reduction, winter is a great time, also because it takes 5-6 sessions to show complete results. So, when the summer arrives you won’t have to worry about waxing or shaving those unwanted hair. All you’ll have is a smooth hair-free skin.

3. Dandruff & Hair Fall Treatments
The problem of dandruff is more common in winters than in the summer season. It causes the scalp to become itchy and dermatologists associate it with the occurrence of acne. This can be due to excessive dryness on the scalp or irregular hair wash causing the dirt to accumulate on the scalp. Dandruff can also lead to excessive hair fall. Dr. Ashima Goel, the most trusted skin and hair specialist in Chandigarh can recommend you the required medication and treatments to give you a healthy scalp and long luscious hair.

Yes, all your skin & hair woes in winter can be easily treated. All you need to do is to book an appointment with us. Happy winter!

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