An Overview Of Acne Scars And It's Treatments

  • 16 Oct 2019
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  • An Overview Of Acne Scars And It's Treatments

Acne breakouts are distressing, but the scars that are left behind are even more bothersome. These acne scars are an unwanted reminder of acne and make the skin appear uneven in texture. While it is not a condition that affects a person’s health but many people look for a treatment for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons.

Let's first understand the type of acne scars before proceeding to its treatment.

So, acne scars are of two types
1. Atrophic
2. Hypertrophic

Atrophic acne scars are indented scars that heal below the layer of skin tissue. These scars are formed when the skin is unable to generate enough skin tissues to compensate for the loss. These leave behind uneven skin texture and scarring. Atrophic scars can be classified into three types depending upon the severity- Ice pick scars (small and narrow), Boxcar scars (flat bottom and defined border) and Rolling scars (with no distinct edges).

Hypertrophic scars are raised above the skin and are a result of excess collagen production during the healing process.

Parisa Skin Cosmetic & Laser Centre in Chandigarh offers a wide variety of treatment options to reduce the appearance of acne scars. These advanced skin treatments are performed under the guidance of one of the best skin specialists in Chandigarh, Dr. Ashima Goel, who has a vast experience in clinical and cosmetic dermatology.

To answer the big question - yes, it is possible to treat/eliminate acne scars. It is true that most acne scars are stubborn and difficult to treat but with successive sessions of dermatological treatments have shown significant results. There is no single best treatment for acne scars since dermatologists sometimes recommend a combination of treatments and moreover, the best treatment can be determined only according to individual needs. Now moving on to the treatments, here are some of the most promising procedures when it comes to acne scars.

1. Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are gentle on the skin but tough on the scars. As the name suggests, chemical peels are an active form of chemical exfoliants that provide an exfoliating effect on the surface skin cells. The strength of chemical peels determines the level of injury to the skin. But the results are amazing as one can experience an even-toned, smooth, and glowing skin after full recovery. So, this also helps with blemishes or acne marks which can be red, brown or black.

2. Fractional CO2 Laser
Fractional CO2 laser treatment is a skin resurfacing treatment. The CO2 laser with the longest wavelength is highly effective for acne scars. It can also be used safely over darker skin tone after making appropriate settings. It is an ablative laser where the laser beam is fractionated into microscopic beams. This pixelated form of energy goes into the skin to generate heat which does thermal damage to the skin to regenerate new skin. After the treatment, the patient can experience an even-textured skin. To obtain visible results, multiple sessions are recommended.

3. IPL Laser
Intense Pulsed Light Laser works in a way that the special pulse emitted by the laser delivers a quick burst of light energy underneath the skin. This light energy helps to repair the damage to the melanin responsible for skin discoloration and also boosts the body’s own natural collagen production. This way, the IPL laser is effective in reducing redness and pigmented marks left by acne and even skin texture.

4. Microneedling RF
There are three mechanisms used in microneedling skincare treatment which helps to achieve a reduction in acne scars through wound healing response. The RF energy at the microneedle tips induces thermal energy. The movement of fine microneedles through the skin causes controlled mechanical injury which triggers the release of cytokines and growth factors which help in the skin healing process.

5. Microneedling with Dermaroller
A dermaroller is a drum-like shaped instrument which contains fine and small microneedles. This instrument is rolled over the affected areas of the skin, causing controlled injuries to start the healing mechanism. It heals open wounds by stimulating collagen production that improves the skin texture, health, and elasticity.

6. Nanopore Stylus Micro Needling Treatment
Nanopore Stylus is the all-new advanced version of microneedling along with different topical preparation as per the indication which is used to treat open pores, mild to moderate acne scars, fine lines and other early signs of ageing. The Nanopore Turbo Roller is a device with a console, an L-shaped hand-piece, an integrated high-performance electrical motor, and a microneedle module. The needle module has 6 microneedles, each 1.5 mm apart which may be adjusted from 0.25 to 1.5 mm. Needle thickness at maximum penetration point is 0.15 mm, and the needle tip radius is 2 mm. The dermatologist uses the nanopore turbo roller in continuous circular movements. The motor is kept in a horizontal position, parallel to the skin. No vibration passes through the skin and that’s why the treatment is minimally painful. The movement initiated with the help of electric impulses is high on precision and less on triggering any kind of trauma to the patient.

7. Vampire Facial
The concentrate of essential proteins and growth factors extracted from the patient’s own blood is injected in the target area after a numbing cream has been applied, resulting in a near painless application. This contains at least eight of the body's own concentrated growth factors to rejuvenate the face in several ways including:
> Increase in the formation of new blood vessels (also called "neovascularization") and increase in the blood flow to the skin, resulting in healthier, better quality skin.
> Increase in production of new collagen, the major components of facial skin that diminishes issues related to skin texture and aging.

Before opting for any of the above-mentioned skin treatments, it is advised to consult a certified dermatologist. Visit Parisa Skin Cosmetic & Laser Centre where Dr. Ashima Goel can counsel the patients regarding the skin problems and their respective treatments.

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