Stretch Marks Removal

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are defined as narrow streaks or clouded lines or a type of a scar on the skin, which are of different colour than the normal skin colour. They may be caused due to sudden weight gain or weight loss, pregnancy, body building or puberty.

Stretch marks are caused when the dermis is stretched beyond its tolerance limit and collagen production is disrupted by the breakage of the connective tissue. Thus leading to formation of stretch marks.

What are the Places Where Stretch Marks Appear? Stretch marks usually affect areas where fat is stored such as:

  • Abdomen
  • Breasts
  • Upper arms
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Shoulders

In teenagers, stretch marks can develop at the back also, overlying the spine horizontally.


  • Growth spurt during puberty: During puberty, the skin is not be able to cope up with the growth rate and thus causes tissue breakage resulting in stretch marks.
  • Genetic predisposition: Women with family history are more likely to get stretch marks during pregnancy.
  • Bodybuilding: Very rapid weight gain may cause the tissues to expand quickly; causing stretch marks.
  • Pregnancy induced stretch marks: The stretch marks are very common during pregnancy due to weight gain and commonly appear on legs, buttocks, arms and back.
  • After rapid weight gain
  • After long-term intake of steroids
  • In case of an underlying condition like cushing syndrome

1. Topical Application: Creams, gels and lotions usually work when the stretch marks are still red or purple in their early stages. The topical application should continue twice daily for at least three months.

2. Laser Treatment: Stretch marks treatment in Chandigarh with a laser cannot completely remove the stretch marks but it expedites fading, making them less noticeable. In laser stretch marks removal, a laser beam is focussed on the skin around the stretch marks. The laser beam goes slightly deeper and has a different way of shrinking collagen. The skin may develop erythematous(red) tender grid pattern on the laser treated areas, which usually takes 5-7 days to clear completely. Patients usually need 2 to 6 sessions at 1 month gap. Results are visible after 1 month of the session. The laser treatment reduces stretch marks by 50 to 90 % and results vary from patient to patient.

Very crucial point in the treatment is the size and age of the stretch marks. Every patient is unique and thus, respond differently to the laser treatment. It is always to figure out a stretch mark removal treatment near you.


  • Very high satisfaction rate among patients.
  • The results are long lasting and it keeps the patient's morale high.
  • It is a non-invasive procedure.
  • Minimal risk of complications.

Ideal Candidates are women who have recently experienced motherhood or people who have lost large amounts of weight suddenly or gained muscle mass suddenly.


  • Avoid rapid weight gain and weight loss.
  • Avoid prolonged intake of steroids.
  • Use dermatologist's advised anti -stretch marks cream during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks.
  • Visit your dermatologist in early stages when they are red so that they can be managed with topical creams alone.

RISK FACTORS: Though procedure is safe but if not done by a good dermatologist, long lasting tissue damage along with hyper pigmentation is possible. In Chandigarh, India , Dr Ashima Goel is a renowned dermatologist, who has a special expertise in performing laser stretch marks reduction.

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