Acne Treatment in Chandigarh

It is a chronic inflammatory skin problem that occurs when your hair follicles becomes unplugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is the most common among teenagers though it affects people of all ages.

  • It usually causes whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, large solid painful lumps beneath the skin surface (nodules), painful pus-filled lumps beneath the skin surface (cystic lesions)

  • It often appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.

  • Four main factors causing acne — excess oil production, hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells, bacteria, hormonal (androgen) excess.

    Factors that may worsen acne:

  • Androgen excess: causes sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives can also affect sebum production.

  • Medications: corticosteroids, androgens, lithium, anti-epileptic drugs

  • Diet: Excess of dairy products and carbohydrate-rich foods may worsen acne.

  • Anxiety and stress may worsen the acne

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • The hot and humid climate

  • Oil-based makeup

  • Squeezing pimples


  • Topical creams like antibiotics, retinoids, salicylic acid, azelaic acid & oral medications like antibiotics especially the newer generation, oral contraceptive pills, anti-androgens, retinoids are the mainstay of the treatment.

  • Adjuvant therapies like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers, Microneedling RF, Oxyfusion treatment, Hydrafacial, and Intralesional injections, etc are helpful in removing post-acne pigmentation, open pores, and scars.


When a patient of acne visits me, it’s a protocol to ask the history or the patient usually starts telling herself or himself. In girls, the usual protocol is to investigate the causes like Polycystic Ovarian Disease(PCOD), Hyperprolactinemia, etc. and hence investigations play a very pivotal role in acne treatment; otherwise, the acne is cured only till you are taking the treatment. Many times, acne patients get scared by the list of investigations but one should understand the relevance and importance of these tests as the hormonal changes are becoming very common in girls as well as ladies due to late marriages, late pregnancies, and very importantly LIFESTYLE CHANGES. That's why PCOD is becoming very common in the age group of 16 – 40 years.

ACNE TREATMENT is a very long treatment AND DEMANDS A LOT OF PATIENCE & COOPERATION. There is no MAGIC OVERNIGHT. Acne takes 4 to 6 months to vanish completely and the total duration varies between 9 months to 2 years (in hormonal imbalance/ PCOD patients). But as per the human nature, acne patient expects it to vanish overnight which UNFORTUNATELY NEVER HAPPENS and the patient becomes restless and impatient during the treatment.

Many times, the patient takes medicine, he feels dizziness, discomfort, loose motions, gastric pain---do go to your DERMATOLOGIST FOR RECONSULT in such case---So that you don't stop treatment in between. Don't get disheartened. Do you know---EVEN PARACETAMOL and ANTIALLERGICS (antihistaminics) CAN CAUSE WORST SKIN REACTIONS? SO, Revisit the doctor if you are having so many problems WITH YOUR PRESCRIPTION.

1. Don't squeeze.

2. Another common issue is the DARKENING OF SKIN with the gels prescribed by the doctor. Rarely gels can cause slight darkening of the skin, but it gets aggravated 'coz patients usually don't use their sunscreen religiously every 3 hours as advised by their dermatologists.

3. One important complaint is DRYNESS OF THE SKIN –with ORAL & LOCAL APPLICATION OF MEDICATIONS. Do visit your dermatologist for that SPECIAL MOISTURISER FOR ACNE PRONE SKIN rather than stopping the treatment.


Is it safe to apply Dettol on face pimples?

Never use DETTOL/ SAVLON TO YOUR FACE or any other body part, especially private area. It can lead to redness, a burning sensation, and can burn the pimple area leading to IRRITANT CONTACT DERMATITIS.

If one is suffering from the concern of acne or pimples, it can be caused by a variety of factors. One must consult with an expert skin specialist to effectively treat the concern, as they provide the treatment after proper diagnosis of the concern. To get the best face pimple treatment in Chandigarh, visit today at Parisa Skin Clinic and get treatment from an expert.

What do I do when my skin starts drying due to a medicated acne gel?

You can use a non-comedogenic moisturizing lotion or moisturizing gel to avoid dryness due to medicated acne gel. First, apply moisturizer after face wash; followed by anti-acne gel miserly (also reduce the quantity of anti-acne gel). For best consultation visit today at Parisa Skin Clinic to know more about dry skin treatment in Chandigarh.

How do I treat our face after we get bumps and red pimples after doing full face threading?

Getting bumps and red pimples is a common occurrence in many patients after doing full face threading.

Firstly use antibacterial soap or anti-acne face wash after threading. Some develop acne/ pimples like eruption after threading due to the salon's poor hygiene conditions or used thread. One can use antibacterial creams twice a day for 7 days post threading.

Secondly, some develop red itchy bumps and patches due to allergic reactions to the astringent, which is commonly applied by salon staff after threading. One should avoid astringent application after threading.


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