Acne Scars

Acne Scars Removal Treatment

Definition: Acne scars are permanent textural changes and indentations that occur on the skin as a result of severe acne.

What cause acne scarring?

In severe acne, large pus-filled acne cysts are formed. These cysts destroy skin tissue, which is not replaced with normal skin tissue during the healing phase. It usually leaves behind a hollow area or a scar on the face. On the chest and back, the scarring can be in the form of lumps (known as hypertrophic or Keloidal scarring).

Types of Scars:

  • Box car acne scars
    Box car scars are depressed scars. This type of scars are shallow to medium in depth with well-defined edges located on the cheeks and temple area. Due to the relatively shallow depth, this scarring responds well to numerous treatments including fractional lasers, dermal fillers, and radiofrequency treatment.
  • Ice pick acne scars.
    Ice pick scars are deep and narrow scars that extend into the layer of the skin. Procedures such as excision or chemical reconstruction can improve deep ice pick scars. Once scars are raised up to a shallower level, laser resurfacing is done to give a finishing touch.
  • Rolling, atrophic and depressed acne scars
    Rolling acne scars appear as depressions on the skin. A number of methods can be used to treat this type of acne scars including subcision, fractional laser resurfacing, and dermal fillers. The basis behind scar revision is to free up bound scars and fill up depressions with collagen. Several treatments are needed for achieving optimum results.
  • Mixed acne scars
    Most people will have a combination of acne scars, including ice pick scars, box car scars, and rolling scars. Different types of acne scars will require different treatments and a customized approach will help achieve optimum results.
  • Red acne scars-macular scars
    Macular acne scars are commonly seen on the cheeks and forehead and appear as red areas. They are a sign of early acne scarring. This type of scarring can fade over 5 to 8 months; multiple treatments are required for achieving optimum results
  • Hypertrophic and keloid scars
    This type of acne scarring results in lumpy red or white scars, mostly seen around the jawline, neck, chest and back areas. Lumpy scars are best treated with a series of mesotherapy injections. Most people will require 2 to 8 injections spaced out in 6-week time. Metimes ablative laser treatment is also combined.

How is acne scarring treated?

  • There are many treatment options available for acne scar treatment in Chandigarh to improve and soften the appearance of acne scars.
  • A customized treatment with a combination of treatments is needed to deliver optimum results.
  • It is unrealistic to expect completely normal-looking skin after the procedure. You must set the right expectations and discuss acne scar treatment costs in Chandigarh in advance.

An ideal acne scar removal treatment in Chandigarh for you depends on the following 4 factors:

  • Skin type (skin type is classified according to the pigment in the skin)
  • Type of scars (scars can be rolling, atrophic, box car, ice pick, or anchored)
  • Downtime available (time taken by the skin to heal, after the procedure)
  • Cost of the procedure (fine procedures involving lasers usually cost more than procedures such as micro needling and radiofrequency)

The various methods of treating acne scarring are:

A. Fillers
Hyaluronic filler injections are ideal for atrophic scars and rolling scars with the benefit of immediate improvement and minimal downtime.
The treatment is initially repeated at 6 to 9 monthly intervals but eventually, the frequency may be reduced.

B. Intra-lesional MESOTHERAPY injections: Best used for hypertrophic and keloidal acne scars. Several injection treatments may be needed.

C. Laser treatments:

1. Fractional non-ablative lasers
Variable wavelengths of fractional laser devices have been shown to improve acne scarring, especially for atrophic and rolling scars.
Some temporary redness may be observed but do not actually disrupt the skin surface.
The advantages of non-ablative fractional lasers are:
Rapid recovery period
Safe for people with dark skin type and higher safety profile
Most people will benefit from a series of fractional laser treatment. Patients with dark skin types will usually require more treatments compared to the ones with lighter skin tones.

2. Ablative (wounding) lasers
The fractional CO2 ablative laser has a higher safety profile and can be used in all skin types with variables settings depending on the pigment of the skin.
The downside of ablative lasers is the longer recovery period, which can vary between 5 to 10 days.

D. Microneedling Radiofrequency (RF)
It is a non-invasive method of scar remodeling.
This treatment is best employed in early acne scars, atrophic, rolling scars and for people with dark skin type.
It incorporates skin needling, which delivers higher energy deeper into the dermis.

E. Chemical reconstruction of skin scars
This method uses high strength TCA.
It is ideal for ice picks scars and can be safely used for all skin types.
Multiple treatments are ideal for achieving optimum results.

F. Surgical Procedures for scars removal:
Procedures such as punch elevation and subcision are useful modalities for treating deep ice pick scars. All surgical acne scar removal treatments in Chandigarh are followed by laser resurfacing several months later.

G. Microneedling/Dermarollers:
Microneedling can be effective in the treatment of acne scars.
As the name suggests, delivers needles of varying depths (0.5 to 1.5 mm) into the dermal layers of the skin. Needing breaks down scar tissue and stimulates the formation of new collagen.
This treatment is ideal for dark skin types however it is not as effective as fractional laser treatment. Lasers result in effective collagen stimulation and give more effective results.

What can an acne scarring patient expect after the treatment?

  • The ultimate goal for treating Acne Scar is improvement rather than complete disappearance.
  • The degree of improvement is dependent on the scar type and skin colour of the individual.
  • Each acne scars patient is different and presents a unique challenge for the treating dermatologist. Thus, the final outcome of the treatment is different for different patients.
  • Treatments are customized as per each individual's goals, scars types, work profile, extents of sun exposure, and budget along with the dermatologist's preferences, equipment, and expectations.
  • The treatment for dark skin type patients is particularly performed with utmost care in conservative settings.
  • Special pretreatment & posttreatment skincare regimens must be followed by the patients to avoid colour changes after treatment.



What is the best treatment for acne scars and marks? Peeling, laser, or microderma?

Hi, chemical peels work very well for dark acne marks and fresh acne scars. Even microdermabrasion works very well for early fresh acne scars. So, these procedures should be done simultaneously with oral treatment.

For old scars, lasers, especially Fractional CO2 laser works well; Results vary between 60 -95% improvement depending upon the individual skin. Most importantly, one needs to follow the ‘IFS AND BUTS’ of procedure religiously to get the best results.

But we can NEVER MATCH THE GOD’S CREATIVITY, i.e., 100 % results though we can improve it up to 95% with a combination of procedures.

To avail the benefits of the best acne scar treatment in Chandigarh. Visit today at Parisa Skin Clinic and get treatment from an expert skin doctor Dr. Ashima Goel.

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